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8 Days





Experience the ultimate 8-day Colombian Andes hummingbird photography tour, perfect for photography enthusiasts. Led by the acclaimed wildlife photographer Jeff Cremer, this tour combines professional photography insights with stunning Colombian landscapes in the Coffee Region and Central Andes. Enjoy top-notch photography equipment, comfortable accommodations, and specialized image processing workshops while exploring diverse birdwatching destinations.

Jardín, Antioquia: Known for its natural beauty, wildlife diversity, and cultural richness, Jardín offers numerous photographic opportunities. Key attractions include:

  • Diverse Bird Species: Spot the Andean Cock-of-the-rock, Yellow-eared Parrot, and many more.

  • Hummingbird Photography: Capture unique hummingbird species like the Sapphire-throated Hummingbird and Green-crowned Brilliant in their natural habitat.

  • Scenic Views and Coffee Farm Tours: Ideal for landscape and cultural photography, experience the golden hours and coffee cultivation.

Manizales - Tinamú Lodge and Termales del Ruiz Hotel:

  • Tinamú Lodge: Home to 260 bird species, including various hummingbirds and tanagers. Rare sightings may include the Lemurine Night Monkey.

  • Termales del Ruiz Hotel: Perfect for high-altitude birding and photography. Explore the paramo and cloudforests for unique species like the Sword-Billed Hummingbird and Black-Billed Mountain Toucan.

Additional Attractions:

  • Enjoy natural thermal baths at Termales del Ruiz Hotel, adding a relaxing touch to your adventurous tour.

This tour not only focuses on bird photography but also offers a deeper appreciation of Colombia’s cultural heritage and natural beauty, enhancing your photographic skills in breathtaking settings.


  • High-end photography equipment and expert guidance

  • Accommodations in wildlife lodges with essential amenities

  • All meals, accommodating dietary and vegetarian preferences

  • Fluent English-speaking guide

  • Comprehensive transportation, including 4×4 vehicles and airport transfers


  • International flights to and from Colombia

  • Personal travel insurance

  • Alcoholic Beverages

  • Personal items


Trip Details
  • Dates: Trips available anytime

  • Duration: 8 Days

  • Minimum Group Size: 1 Guest

  • Maximum Group Size: 3 Guests

  • Physical Difficulty: Easy

  • Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate

  • Recommended Gear: All cameras & lenses included

  • High-end photography equipment and expert guidance

  • Single occupancy accommodation in wildlife lodges with essential amenities

  • All meals, accommodating dietary and vegetarian preferences

  • Fluent English-speaking photographer | guide

  • Comprehensive transportation, including 4×4 vehicles and airport transfers

The tour was well-organized, ensuring we experienced a variety of landscapes and wildlife. The high-end Canon lenses provided made a significant difference in my shots. It's an unforgettable experience that I would recommend to any photography enthusiast.


- Deborah Clark

Our photography tour kicks off with convenient airport pickups at Jose Maria Cordova Airport, Medellin, ensuring a smooth start to a journey meticulously crafted for photography enthusiasts. Led by renowned wildlife photographer Jeff Cremer, our tours are specifically designed to maximize photographic opportunities, taking you to Colombia's prime birdwatching destinations. These locations are selected for their rich biodiversity and unique chances to capture wildlife in their natural habitats.

Tour Highlights:

  • Tailored itineraries by photographers for photographers, ensuring optimal photographic moments.

  • Exploration of Colombia's prime birdwatching spots, known for their biodiversity.

  • Special days dedicated to photographing in diverse ecosystems like the paramo and cloudforest, targeting species such as the Sword-Billed Hummingbird and Black-Billed Mountain Toucan.

  • Opportunities to capture rare sights, including the elusive Antpitta species and the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock's lek.

  • Specialized photography workshops to enhance your skills, covering various techniques for wildlife photography.

This tour blends expert guidance with the beauty of Colombia's natural landscapes, offering an unparalleled experience for photography enthusiasts.

Close-up of green headed hummingbird in Colombia
Photograph of Colombian hummingbird feeding on nectar


Highlights of the Colombian Coffee Region:

  • Stay at eBird Hotspots: eBird Hotspots are designated areas recognized for their high bird activity, where birdwatchers can share sightings and contribute to global avian research and conservation efforts.

  • Biodiversity & Photography: Manizales and Jardin are home to hundreds of bird species, including endemics like the Andean cock-of-the-rock and Yellow-eared Parrot, the region is ideal for birding and wildlife photography.

  • Varied Ecosystems: From coffee plantations to cloud forests and páramos, these ecosystems provide habitats for unique species.

The Colombian Coffee Region, encompassing Jardín and Manizales, is not only recognized for its natural beauty, with verdant landscapes and the misty Andes, but also for its rich biodiversity and coffee culture.

Wildlife Hotspots Map
Birding hotspots of Colombia.


Photography tours in Colombia leverage the country's status as the most bird-rich nation on earth, with eco-tourism flourishing and creating numerous opportunities for capturing images of the nearly 2000 bird species that call Colombia home.

Photography opportunities include:

  • Visits to bird feeder sites for photographing hummingbirds, tanagers, and antpittas.

  • Close-up photography opportunities at Antpitta Feeding Stations.

  • Specialized multi-flash setups for capturing hummingbirds in flight.

  • Photographing the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock at mating display areas.

  • Trips to high elevation sites for unique bird species and landscapes in the Andean ecosystems.


  • Antpittas: Crescent-Faced, Equatorial, Bicolored, and other unspecified species.

  • Toucans: Gray-Breasted Mountain Toucan, Black-Billed Mountain Toucan.

  • Tanagers: Hooded Mountain Tanager, Lachrymose Mountain Tanager, and various others.

  • Hummingbirds: Collared Inca, Tourmaline Sunangel, Buff-Winged Starfrontlet, Mountain Velvetbreast, Sparkling Violetear, Sword-Billed Hummingbird, Shining Sunbeam, Long-Tailed Sylph, Buff-Tailed Coronet, and other unspecified hummingbirds.

  • Others: Andean Guan, Slaty Brushfinch, Gray-Browed Brushfinch, Green and Black Fruiteater, Masked Flowerpiercer, Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, Andean Motmot.

Photographer Jeff Cremer posing in front of a Toyota Prado with his lens.


Jeff Cremer is an award-winning wildlife photographer published in National Geographic, Discovery Channel and the BBC. He is known for his remarkable work in the Peruvian Amazon, where he has been based for several years as a professional wildlife photographer. His journey through photography has taken him across various parts of Latin America, including Costa Rica, Peru and Colombia.


Cremer's work has not only captured the essence of wildlife and nature but has also led him to undertake notable projects such as capturing the highest-resolution photo of Machu Picchu. Originally from Colorado, USA, his wanderlust and search for compelling images have brought him to amazing places all over the world


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